Currently en República Dominicana — 5 de octobre: Vaguada seguirá generando lluvias en República Dominicana

El tiempo, currently.

Vaguada seguirá generando lluvias en República Dominicana

En las próximas 24 horas continuará la influencia de la vaguada en gran parte de República Dominicana, por lo que se mantendrán las precipitaciones entre moderadas y fuertes: para este jueves se esperan las mayores lluvias después del mediodía en la Cordillera Central, zona fronteriza, noroeste, norte y noreste.

La Tormenta Tropical Philippe está alejándose de la región del Caribe, pero sus remanentes continuarán influyendo en el territorio dominicano empujando nubosidad y aire caliente, uniéndose a los efectos de la vaguada.

Los vientos procederán del sur-sureste y en ocasiones del sur incrementando el contenido de humedad en el país y aumentando la sensación térmica entre las 10 AM y las 5 PM.

What you need to know, currently.

Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of more than a billion Christians worldwide, has issued a forceful new call for bold climate action.

The document is addressed specifically to the world’s wealthy and privileged, particularly in the US and Europe, to show compassion for people around the world who have done little to cause the climate emergency and who are already feeling its effects profoundly.

“Our responses have not been adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point,” he wrote.

The Pope called for a transition away from lifestyles of consumption and extraction and towards a more ecologically-focused society. His message is timely as the world prepares to gather in Dubai for the latest global climate negotiations next month.

In 2015, Pope Francis made a similar appeal in advance of the Paris climate accords, and was widely credited at helping steer the conversation away from the impersonal numbers and scientific debate towards justice and social progress.

What you can do, currently.