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  • Currently en República Dominicana — 4 de octobre: Persisten las lluvias con potencial de inundaciones en República Dominicana

Currently en República Dominicana — 4 de octobre: Persisten las lluvias con potencial de inundaciones en República Dominicana

El tiempo, currently.

Persisten las lluvias con potencial de inundaciones en República Dominicana

El panorama meteorológico en el territorio dominicano continuará bajo la influencia de la vaguada y la nubosidad que empujará la amplia circulación de la tormenta tropical Philipe: el pronóstico prevé la ocurrencia de precipitaciones entre moderadas y fuertes para este miércoles justo en el transcurso de la tarde y durante la noche.

Las mayores lluvias se concentrarán hacia el norte, noreste, sureste, sur y Cordillera Central, con potencial de inundaciones repentinas al final de la tarde. También prevemos descargas eléctricas y ráfagas de viento en ocasiones debido al viento húmedo y a las temperaturas calurosas procedentes de la región marina.

What you need to know, currently.

A US government shutdown just become more likely — again.

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives voted out their leader for the first time in national history. What comes next isn’t readily apparent.

While the House is in a chaos of their own making, no business will get done. And the deal to stop a shutdown last weekend gave only a 45-day window — until November 17th — to formulate and pass funding bills for the entirety of the federal government.

The Washington Post has a good overview (gift link) of all the effects on the environment, climate, and weather operations of the federal government if the government shuts down. Some highlights:

Less enforcement of clean air and water protections. Closure of national parks and other public lands. Interruption of some environmental cleanups. Delays in new federal rules aimed at boosting clean energy.

Those are some of the potential effects of a federal shutdown — consequences that could compound the longer Congress is unable to agree on a way to keep the government operating.

While we are in the middle of an escalating climate emergency, having a functioning federal government is in everyone’s best interest — it helps direct disaster aid, it helps coordinate greenhouse gas regulations, it can stimulate investment in renewable energy.

There’s also a scenario in all this mess that Republicans effectively lose control of the House — and form a coalition government with Democrats — something that has hardly ever been tested in national American politics but is common in other parts of the world. Here’s hoping.

What you can do, currently.