Currently en República Dominicana — 8 de noviembre: Potencial de inundaciones aumentará en RD

El tiempo, currently.

Potencial de inundaciones aumentará en RD

Una vaguada ubicada al norte del Caribe elevará el contenido de humedad y nubosidad en las próximas 24 horas en gran parte de República Dominicana, por lo que incrementa el potencial de inundaciones debido a las lluvias entre moderadas y fuertes que ocurrirán en el país.

Para este miércoles se esperan lluvias moderadas en la mañana hacia el este, sureste y noreste; mientras que durante la tarde se extenderán hasta el resto del territorio dominicano para aumentar las crecidas de ríos y cañadas.

La vaguada se alimenta de los vientos húmedos procedentes desde el Atlántico que empujan los restos de otra vaguada hacia la región.

What you need to know, currently.

A new fund will be established to pay for the “loss and damage” caused by climate change in poorer countries — but will be far weaker than hoped after a major setback this past weekend in Abu Dhabi. The disappointment is casting an increasingly worrying shadow over the upcoming COP28 climate conference in Dubai.

A last-minute objection by the US delegation to the consensus text forced a change in the funding mechanism that only “urged” rich countries to contribute to the new fund, but didn’t require them.

“It is a sombre day for climate justice, as rich countries turn their backs on vulnerable communities. [This] falls short of providing vulnerable communities with adequate assurance that their financial needs for coping with climate impacts and rebuilding their lives will be met.”

Still up for discussion in the run-up to Dubai: Whether or not world countries will agree to a binding “phase out” of fossil fuels globally, and the first official check-up or “stocktake” on how the world’s efforts at reducing climate change has progressed since 2015 in Paris. Spoiler alert: not well.

What you can do, currently.