Currently en República Dominicana — 31 de julio, 2023: Calor sofocante con lluvias moderadas

El tiempo, currently.

Calor sofocante con lluvias moderadas

En las próximas 24 horas predominarán en República Dominicana algunas partículas de polvo del Sahara por lo que continuará la elevada sensación térmica en todo el país: el firmamento seguirá ligeramente brumoso por el polvo africano, mientras podrían desarrollarse este lunes algunas lluvias dispersas por la presencia de una vaguada en la región del Caribe.

El potencial de las lluvias estará presente hacia la Cordillera Central, zona fronteriza, noroeste, norte, sureste y noreste debido a la incidencia de la vaguada que estará en combinación con la onda tropical número 25.

Y dando seguimiento a la temporada ciclónica en el Atlántico, observamos la evolución de dos sistemas atmosféricos: el primero ubicado en el Atlántico central podría convertirse en depresión en los próximos dos a tres días; mientras que el segundo, se moverá al norte de Bahamas sin mayores posibilidades de desarrollo.

— Jean Suriel

What you need to know, currently.

I’ll keep this short and sweet: Please consider becoming a paid member of Currently today.

Currently has a unique mission in the world: Build a community of scientists, journalists, and climate revolutionaries that together can co-produce daily ways of keeping each other safe amid the climate crisis.

Our daily local weather newsletters are amazing, but they’re just a start. Over the next few weeks and months we’ll be rolling out some exciting actions that have been in the works for the past two-and-a-half years:

  • Member-ownership (voting rights, revenue sharing, and a tangible stake in our future)

  • An interactive weather messaging service (with customizable push alerts for dozens of hard-to-find criteria your weather app doesn’t provide, plus live chatting with our team of meteorologists)

  • Syndication of Currently stories (to help support the sustainability of local climate-forward news and reporting)

It’s just $5 a month or $50 a year to chip in your part to continue making this service possible — and to keep building revolutionary resources like these that will truly change the world. All members get first dibs on our new services, plus a share of direct ownership of our success.

Last week, y’all really came through. So right now we need just 176 new members before midnight July 31 — and I’d love for one of those to be you. Let’s do this!!