Currently en República Dominicana — 28 de julio, 2023: Lluvias continue

El tiempo, currently.

Lluvias continue

En las últimas horas se han desarrollado precipitaciones en gran parte de República Dominicana por los efectos de la onda tropical número 23: este fenómeno ha generado ráfagas de viento y descargas eléctricas, además se ha registrado un aumento de las inundaciones repentinas en zonas del país.

En el transcurso de la noche y durante la madrugada, seguirán los efectos de este sistema atmosférico, el cual ya este jueves se alejará de nuestra zona de pronóstico; pero sus remanentes se quedarán en el territorio dominicano aportando algunas lluvias moderadas.

Este jueves, se esperan las precipitaciones hacia el sur, sureste, noreste, Cordillera Central y zona fronteriza al final de la tarde y durante la noche.

Las temperaturas se han refrescado en las últimas horas debido a las lluvias ocurridas en el país: pero volverá a tornarse muy caluroso el ambiente después que la onda se aleje este jueves.

— Jean Suriel

What you need to know, currently.

We’re about to switch our full attention back to the weather, but I wanted to make one last pitch for everyone to become a paid member of Currently.

The climate news has been all-encompassing in recent days. Today, in fact, the UN Secretary-General declared a transition from the era of ‘global warming’ to a new era of ‘global boiling’. And he’s right. I mean, there are people in Phoenix this week who suffered 3rd-degree burns just from falling on the pavement.

This does not have to be our lives. This does not have to be our future. A better world is possible. And, each of us have a place in bringing that world into being.

Currently exists to connect people with timely and accurate weather and climate info — and our mission is to make that info available in every language for every person on Earth. No other weather service in the world has this mission. It’s our contribution to climate justice.

The next three months of August, September, and October are peak hurricane season, peak wildfire season, and with a growing El Niño and global temperatures at record highs, God knows what else. Currently will be here to keep you updated. Over the coming days we’ll be doing a big re-launch of our interactive weather messaging service that will provide customized weather alerts for almost any criteria, anywhere in the world.

Becoming a Currently member costs $5 a month to continue making this service possible. With that you’ll get first dibs on our new services, plus a share of direct ownership of our success. More on that soon, too.

Our goal is getting 397 new members before July 31 — and I’d love for one of those to be you. Thank you!!