Currently en República Dominicana — 9 de agosto: Onda tropical aumentará las lluvias en República Dominicana

El tiempo, currently.

Onda tropical aumentará las lluvias en República Dominicana

En las últimas horas ha predominado la influencia de una vaguada aportando precipitaciones en diferentes zonas de República Dominicana: para las próximas 24 horas se espera la permanencia de la vaguada y la llegada de la onda Tropical número 28, por lo que experimentaremos un aumento de la nubosidad y de las precipitaciones en gran parte del territorio nacional.

Por la influencia de los dos fenómenos atmosféricos podrían desarrollarse inundaciones repentinas después del mediodía y durante la tarde hacia el sureste, noreste, norte y noroeste. Así también ocurrirán descargas eléctricas y ráfagas de viento en ocasiones.

Mientras que en el Atlántico avanzan las ondas tropicales 29 y 30 con trayectoria hacia las Antillas Menores.

— Jean Suriel

What you need to know, currently.

Florida has been the epicenter of a major marine heat wave that has strengthened all summer. Tuesday was the peak of the heat in Miami so far,

An excessive heat warning is in effect for nearly all of South Florida, with parts of the region under that highest-level heat warning for the first time ever. Heat stress is reaching record levels, with the Miami metro area facing more than 100 hours of excessive heat index so far this summer, more than double the second-worst year, according to Miami-based meteorologist Brian McNoldy. On Tuesday, the Miami heat index peaked at 113°F (45°C) — the hottest reading in city history.

Miami is the only city in the world with a Chief Heat Officer, and has worked diligently to set local heat standards to give workers frequently exposed to outdoors protections from heat-related illness and injury even as similar rules are fought by the Florida Chamber of Commerce and state officials.

For daily updates on Miami weather and climate, subscribe to Currently’s Miami newsletter, led by meteorologist John Morales.

What you can do, currently.

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