Currently en República Dominicana — 3 de agosto: Sigue el panorama lluvioso en República Dominicana

El tiempo, currently.

Sigue el panorama lluvioso en República Dominicana

Una combinación de factores atmosféricos están incidiendo en República Dominicana con la producción de precipitaciones significativas en las últimas horas: además de las lluvias, se han registrado descargas eléctricas y granizadas en localidades del Cibao.

Es una vaguada que influye en las condiciones atmosféricas en el país: junto a las temperaturas calurosas y los vientos húmedos del Mar Caribe. Este panorama meteorológico continuará en las próximas 24 horas por la permanencia de la vaguada y la cercanía de la onda tropical número 26.

Para este jueves se esperan más aguaceros en gran parte del territorio dominicano, especialmente después del mediodía y en el transcurso de la tarde.

— Jean Suriel

What you need to know, currently.

Beijing has just endured 744.8 mm (29.3 in) of rain in just 72 hours — the heaviest three-day rainstorm in the recorded history of the capital city of China, dating back to at least 1860.

Images and video from Beijing and the surrounding area show absolutely torrential floodwaters and widespread effects as thousands of rescue workers have been dispatched to help look for survivors.

The rain came from the remnants of Typhoon Doksuri, which Currently covered last week as it was approaching the Philippines and Taiwan. Sea surface temperatures near the Chinese coast are well above average, contributing to the anomalous moisture in the air. In Hebei Province, just to the west of Beijing, the rainfall totals were even higher — as much as 1003 mm (39.5 in) over the past 72 hours.

China’s hottest-ever temperature was also recorded this summer — as Sanbao in Xinjiang Province hit 52.2°C (126°F) on July 16th — which Currently also summarized as it happened.

What you can do, currently.

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